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  • 19.03.2023, reading time: 3 minutes

    Ulrike Redlich, Christa Malik, Oliver Dittberner, Helga Feller, Mario Graser, Andreas Braum, Ute Chandoni-Goebel, Silke Jeltsch-Strempel, Manfred Bletz (from left to right)

    More than 40 participants – members, friends and supporters – gathered at the association’s general meeting in the Bürgerhaus Neu-Anspach on 16 March to learn about the activities of the past year and upcoming projects.

    In 2022, the year of anniversaries, there were finally numerous events again. On the one hand, there was the town twinning with the French municipality of Saint-Florent-sur-Cher, which has been in existence for 40 years, and on the other hand, the 15-year ring twinning with Šentjur in Slovenia. Above all, the citizens’ meeting, which had been postponed several times due to the pandemic, and the trinational youth project in France finally took place.

    An important milestone was the signing of an official cooperation agreement between the VzFiB and the Adolf Reichwein School (ARS)..

    Ute Chandoni-Göbel, assessor, recalled the anniversary celebrations. These included several activities in Neu-Anspach and, above all, the large German-French caricature exhibition in cooperation with the town and the trade association, which aroused interest in the association among the citizens of Neu-Anspach and beyond.

    The VzFiB also emphasises and reinforces the European idea and how it is lived in Neu-Anspach via Facebook, Instagram and the new website in English, German and French. Not only did the number of members increase again to 149, but the number of pétanque players is also on the rise.

    Established and new names

    Helga Feller remains chairperson of the board and Andreas Braum one of her two deputies. Christa Malik will continue to look after the finances as treasurer. Following the departure of Christian Scheer, who resigned for professional reasons, Oliver Dittberner and Mario Glaser were elected as new assessors.

    Contribution rules and adjustment

    After a short discussion on whether children and young people should pay dues at all, the members decided on the new dues regulations with one vote against and one abstention. It provides for an adjustment of the annual fees to 20 Euros for adults, 10 Euros for children and youths and 40 Euros for families.
    This is the second fee adjustment since the founding of the association; since 2002, adults have paid an annual fee of 15 euros.
    The new contribution rules will come into effect in 2024.

    Ausblick auf das neue Vereinsjahr

    In 2023, which is already underway, after the presence at the Open Day of the Adolf Reichwein School in January, participation in the Europe Day in Kronberg on 6 May is on the agenda. Together with the young people of the Europa-AG, the city partners of the Kleeblatt community will be celebrated with culinary offerings. The smell of homemade crêpes will provide French flair, and Europe can be celebrated with non-alcoholic cocktails refined with Monin flavours from Bourges, which are known all over the world.

    Šentjur: Dobrodosli – Willkommen – Bienvenue

    Mitja Logar, teacher of Dramlje School (Šentjur)

    This year, the focus will be on the Ascension Week meeting with our French and Slovenian friends.

    The adults will travel to Šentjur from 18 to 21 May, the young people will already set off on 14 May for the 13th town twinning youth project.

    With a short and warm video greeting, Mitja Logar, teacher in charge of the project at the host school in Dramlje (a district of Šentjur), invites them to visit. He takes those present on a virtual tour of the classrooms, the sports facilities and the spring-decorated school foyer.

    On 26 August, the association will host the annual pétanque tournament in Neu-Anspach. Everyone who enjoys relaxed sporting competition is invited, as well as those who like to watch players practising the French national sport in the Taunus region.

    Hinauf, Up, up to the castle!

    This is the motto of the excursion to Hambach Castle, considered the cradle of democracy in Germany, on 3 October, the day of German unification. Both members and friends of the association are cordially invited to take part in a time travel to 1832 with the freedom fighters.

    As in the previous year, a lecture with Christophe Braouet, the managing director of the Franco-German Society, is being planned.

    Big anniversary celebration with the partners The board is also already looking ahead to next year. Then the VzFiB will invite its French and Slovenian friends to Neu-Anspach over Ascension Day 2024 for a partnership meeting and youth project.

    News from Saint-Florent-sur-Cher: Marie Line Cirre is the new mayoress

    Following the resignation of Mayor Nicole Progin in mid-January, the municipal council of Saint-Florent-sur-Cher elected Marie-Line Cirre, who had been the eighth deputy until then, as mayor at the end of February.

    The new head of the town hall was previously responsible for cultural affairs in the Neu-Anspach partner community. She now received 24 of the 29 votes cast and prevailed over a competitor from the left camp.

    Several VzFIB members already got to know the new mayor of the partner municipality last year in France and at the second anniversary celebration in Neu-Anspach. Mayor Thomas Pauli (SPD) has since also established personal contact with her and her family and is convinced: “She will do our town twinning good.”

    Finally: A big thank you to Evelyn Kreutz for the detailed article which was published in the Usinger Neue Presse of 18.03.2023, page 21 and is published here in a slightly modified and abridged form. The original article can be found in the press section of the website.

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