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  • Every year since 2009, 48 young people from the 3 twin towns of Saint-Florent-sur-Cher, Sentjur and Neu-Anspach meet to spend a week experiencing Europe, getting to know other cultures, working together in workshops and having fun.

    Financially supported by ErasmusPlus, the European mobility programme for young people, participants incur only low costs. Thanks to the voluntary work of the members of the Association for promotion of international relations (VzFiB), the comitees for town twinning in Sentjur and Saint-Florent-sur-Cher, the cooperating schools Adolf-Reichwein-Schule, Collège Voltaire and Osnova Sola Hrusev, Osnova Sola Dramlje, the municipalities and the students themselves every year a great program is created, organized, executed and evaluated.

    56 pages give an overview of the projects and show the highlights during the encounters.

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