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  • 22.01.2023
    Šentjur – so beautiful is Slovenia!

    Šentjur in Slovenia is hosting our tri-national citizens´ meeting this year.

    Traditionally, the meeting takes place on Ascension weekend. On Thursday, May 18, we will leave early in the morning by bus from Ohly & Weber, Neu-Anspach. The return is on Sunday evening, May 21, 2023. Those who want to go by their own car are also welcome to participate.  

    Our recommendation: Register right now using the contact form, which you can download below. This way you will make it easier for our Slovenian friends to organize the accommodation, which will be as usual in private accommodations.  

    Please send your signed registration by April 14, 2023 by mail to unterbringung@vzfib-neu-anspach.de or by mail to Verein zur Förderung internationaler Beziehungen, Helga Feller, Hans-Böckler-Str. 16, 61267 Neu-Anspach.   Do you have any questions about Šentjur, about the trip, about accommodation? Then contact us by mail (see above) or phone (0160-78 39 272).  

    More information about the Slovenian town, which is twinned with Neu-Anspach and Saint-Florent-sur-Cher since 2017, you can also find here on the website in the section twin town https://www.vzfib-neu-anspach.de/en/unsere-partnerstaedte-en/ .

    One more note on language and communication: Many Slovenians speak good English, some also German, so you can quickly get into contact with your hosts. If you want to learn a few words already, here are the most important vocabulary words to help you prepare for your trip:
    Yes = Dà
    No = Nè
    Hello = Zdravo
    Bye = čao
    Good morning = Dôbro jútro
    Good day = Dóber dán
    Good evening = Dóber večer
    Good night = Láhko nóč
    Goodbye = Nasvídenje
    Thank you = Hvála
    Please = Prósim
    Excuse me = Opravičílo
    Help = Na pomóč
    I am (…) = (Jaz) sem
    How are you doing = Kako gre?
    Very good = Zelódôbro
    Cheers = Na zdrávje

    Very easy, isn´t it?

    Well, come with us to Slovenia, the green heart of Europe! We are looking forward to your participation!

    Post Views: 101